Visitor's Page
Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you located? Our street address is 1500 Glen Ave. Folcroft, PA 19032. Church is on the corner of Glen and Folcroft Aves. Glen Avenue is one-way off of Primos Ave. Folcroft Ave. is closed to outside traffic due to bridge closing.

Are you handicapped accessible? Yes, there is a ramp to one of the entrances on Glen Ave. We also have handicapped accessible bathrooms.

Is there parking available? Yes, there is parking available on surrounding streets plus a church parking lot which is shared with the apartment complex. The entrance to the parking lot is on Folcroft Ave. behind the church.

When are Services held? Services are held on Sundays at 10:15 a.m. and last about an hour. Other Services include Christmas Eve, Ash Wednesday, Mid-Week Lenten Services, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Thanksgiving Mission Service.

Is Nursery provided? Yes, we provide nursery care during worship for children through kindergarten. Children in first grade and above are expected to attend worship with their parents. Children's folders, with activity sheets, are available.

Is there a Children's Sermon? Yes.

How often do you have Communion? We have Communion on the first and third Sundays of the month, including some Festivals and all White Sundays. All are invited to the Lord's Table who believe that Jesus is Lord and He is present in the bread and wine. Those who don't commune may come to the rail for a blessing. White grape juice is also available if medical reasons prohibit your use of wine.